Member Discounts

Below is a list of some of the participating companies, which will continue to grow over time.
We do not take payment from any of these companies. Instead we ask the company to take the money they would have paid us for ads, and directly pass that on as savings to you. I will disclose any payments or ownership in any companies should this be present at anytime going forward.

There are hundreds of meditation apps on the market, and several do a fine job of teaching the basic principles of mindfulness. But most present the practice as though it were an ancient version of an executive stress ball—whereas it’s more like the Hubble Space Telescope.

The purpose of meditation isn’t merely to reduce stress or to make you feel better in the moment—it’s to make fundamental discoveries in the laboratory of your own mind.

I use this app. Sam Harris who created this amazing app has graciously offered our members a one month free trial to check it out:

1. Visit

2. Click on Sign Up in the upper right hand corner

3. Enter and then verify your email address

4. Once you are logged into Waking Up you can choose Settings -> Redeem promo code

5. Enter the code ‘OPENMIND’

The patterns on the goods in this shop are designed to trigger Automated License Plate Readers, injecting junk data in to the systems used by the State and its contractors to monitor and track civilians and their locations.

Adversarial Fashion has offered all our members a 15% discount from their entire fashion line by using the promo code ‘LUFKIN_15’ .

EAROS ONE acoustic filters protect your ears in loud environments while maintaining your ability to enjoy music and communicate clearly.

EAROS ONE is offering our members 10% off on their acoustic filters by using the promo code ‘RLUFKIN10’.